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Our Political demands

  1. Openness to technology in climate protection policy.
    We believe that a regulatory approach open to all technologies, and hence the promotion of synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels, is the most efficient path to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In this way sustainability, innovation, competition and acceptance can all be reconciled.

  2. Holistic economy for hydrogen-derived products in Europe.
    Through the production and use of hydrogen-based products such as eFuels, Europe can be at the forefront of global technology and thus also secure its competitiveness as a location for industry. This requires a regulatory framework and appropriate market conditions. It is the task of the European Union to guarantee a holistic approach to setting the necessary production requirements and regulatory standards, including for eFuels.

  3. Change of the energy taxation.
    The positive contribution that eFuels and sustainable biofuels can make to climate protection must be taken into account in energy taxation. The tax base should be changed from volumetric basis to the carbon footprint of the energy carrier to incentivise the production of renewable fuels. If an energy tax is based on genuine environmental criteria, this invariably leads to a reduction of the energy taxation on eFuels and sustainable biofuels.

  4. Recognition of eFuels in the EU fleet targets.
    Crediting the CO2-reduction contribution of eFuels and sustainable biofuels within the framework of EU fleet targets for passenger cars, light and heavy-duty vehicles is a decisive lever for achieving the climate targets in road transport. It is therefore essential that the greenhouse gas savings achieved by eFuels and sustainable biofuels  are taken into account when calculating the EU CO2 fleet targets in order to create another option for achieving the transport sector’s climate targets.

  5. Strengthening international cooperation to set up global production.
    With the help of eFuels, globally generated electricity from renewable energies can be used worldwide for the first time. That is because eFuels are easy to store and transport and thus create the possibility to produce and import renewable energies globally in the form of liquid and gaseous energy carriers. This makes a decisive contribution to the global energy transition by building a climate-friendly energy system that helps develop the resources of economically weaker regions.

  6. Promoting the industrial production of eFuels.
    eFuel production on an industrial scale should be achieved as quickly as possible by promoting pilot projects. A market ramp-up can also be supported in the short term by tendering procedures, and commitments to volume orders, that would provide investors with added security.

Joint Statements

Key recommendations for the 2nd international eFuel Conference

The signatories of this letter, representing 175 companies, associations and consumer organisations of the eFuel Alliance, welcome the 2nd eFuels…

Open letter calling for the recognition of unavoidable industrial CO2 use after 2041

The signatories of this letter are fully committed to achieving the EU's decarbonization and climate goals. The recent publication of the…

Joint Letter calling for maintaining the Parliaments position in the HDV trilogues

Alongside the electrification of road transport, alternative fuels offer significant CO2 savings potential and can speed up the transition to more…

Joint letter calling for a swift recast of the European Energy Taxation

The signatories of this letter welcome the European Commission’s initiative for a recast of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD). However, we fear that…

Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) should be recognised as a strategic net zero technology in the EU Net Zero Industry Act

The co-signatories of this letter call on Members of the EU Parliament and EU Member States to take position to include CCU technologies as part –…

Joint Letter on common definition of Sustainable Alternative Fuels in the Net Zero Industry Act

The co-signatories would like to convey the industry’s recommendation to ensure a consistent definition of Sustainable Alternative Fuels in the Net…

Joint Industry Letter on the Urgent Need for an RFNBO Certification Framework

The signatories of this letter welcome the regulatory clarity provided by this week’s entry-into-force of the RED II Delegated Acts on Article 27.3…

Joint letter calling for the recognition of Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) as strategic net zero technologies in the EU Net Zero Industry Act

The co-signatories of this letter call on the co-legislators to fully leverage the potential of CCU technologies in the Net Zero Industry Act. CCU…

Joint Statement on Draft Delegated Act on Greenhouse Gas Savings from RFNBOs & Recycled Carbon Fuels

The undersigned represent a wide range of industrial sectors for which Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) is a core technology to help reach their…

Joint statement of the EU industry: CO₂ Regulation for Heavy-Duty Vehicles should recognise decarbonisation potential of sustainable and renewable fuels

As European industry, including fuel and automotive suppliers, vehicle manufacturers, dealers, repairers and transport operators we eagerly anticipate…

Joint Letter to Ministers calling for binding RFNBO quotas

Renewable hydrogen is a fundamental part of Europe’s decarbonisation and energy security strategy, as presented in the Fit for 55 package and the…

Joint Statement on the REDII Delegated Act Art. 28 (5): the Importance of Industrial CCU for Reaching Climate Neutrality

The signatories represent a wide range of industrial sectors for which Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) is a core technology to help reach their…

Joint Letter on CO2 Emission Standards for Cars and Vans

CO2 standards for cars and vans: Automakers, Auto Parts Industry and Fuel Manufacturers call for Trilogue negotiations to fully implement the outcome…

Joint Letter by 18 Associations calling for pragmatic RED II Delegated Acts

The signatories of this letter welcome the publication of the drafts for the outstanding RED II Delegated Acts on Article 27.3 (‘Additionality’…

Joint Letter on FuelEU Maritime and AFIR

We, the signatories representing major energy suppliers, technology providers, shipping companies, ports, and the hydrogen industry, together with…

Joint Statement of ECSA, EWABA, eFuel Alliance, the Advanced Biofuels Coalition and GoodFuels on FuelEU Maritime

As an important part of the European economy, shipping has a role to play in ambitious climate action in Europe. The Commission's proposed regulation…

Joint Letter calling for a Voluntary Crediting System for renewable fules in the CO2 emission standards for Cars

The 223 signing associations, companies and scientists of this letter fully support the EU’s target to be climate-neutral by 2050 and recognise the…

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